In order to complete your Tax Return we will need you to complete our Engagement Form and the Tax Checklist.

This Engagement Form sets out certain aspects of the business relationship between you and Desborough.
It’s an easy way to make sure both parties are clear on their respective responsibilities, terms, and costs.
This form has to be completed prior to Desborough undertaking any work on your behalf.
The Tax Checklist identifies the items that are relevant to the completion of your Income Tax Return.
Where a signature is required on an electronically submitted form, you may have to provide a signature at our offices.
If you prefer, this Engagement Form and combined Tax Checklist can be downloaded for printing and manual submission

2024 Engagement Form

Please indicate if you would prefer to:
If you are signing digitally, how would you like your original documents returned to you?
** Our Client Portal is an easy to use, secure way for us to provide you with a copy of your documents. You can then review and sign your tax return online via an authenticated digital signing function. Note that to access this service you must have a unique email address that is not used by other people and this email address must be included in your details on this form above. By choosing this option and signing this document you are acknowledging that the email address you have provided is yours alone and that no one else has access to it.
You are engaging Desborough Accountants to assist with the preparation and lodgment of your taxation return.

It is important for you to understand that;
  • You are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the particulars and information provided to us by you.
  • Any advice we provide is only an opinion based on our knowledge of your particular circumstances.
  • You have obligations under the self-assessment regime to keep full and proper records in order to facilitate the preparation of accurate returns.
  • We cannot provide taxation services if we find that information on which those services are to be based contain false or misleading information, or omit material information, and you are not prepared to appropriately amend that information.

We can specifically advise as to the requirements of the substantiation provisions relating to your income tax return and of the necessity to obtain acceptable receipts as specifically required by the legislation. Please ask us if you are unsure of your responsibilities. Please note that we will not be checking that the requirements of the substantiation provisions have been satisfied, this is your responsibility.

When preparing your return, we may identify one or more issues that are not clear under the tax laws. Where we have pointed out such issues to you, you have a right to request a Private Binding Ruling from the ATO. Upon providing the ATO with all the relevant facts, they will provide you with a ruling setting out their view on the proper tax treatment of the issue requested to be ruled upon.

Our fee terms are seven days, and our policy is to lodge your tax returns once your account is settled. The fee for this service does not cover any inquiries made to us or investigations involving us conducted by the ATO. Substantial penalties apply for an incorrectly prepared income tax return. If you have any queries in respect to this, please contact our office for assistance.

By signing and submitting this form I am declaring that the above information is correct and that I have read and understood Desborough Accountants’ Terms & Conditions and understand the terms of the engagement with Desborough Accountants.
DD slash MM slash YYYY

2024 Income Tax Checklist

Please tick all items that are relevant to you during the period 1 July 2023 to 30 June 2024.
Other Information – please answer the following questions
Were there any changes to your relationships with dependents during the year (e.g. a new spouse, separation, new children born, adult children left home)?
Were all your dependents (spouse and children) covered by private hospital cover for the full financial year?
Please confirm your bank account details for any ATO refunds:
Please see our “What To Provide” document for details on what other information we will require from you.
Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Updated 02/07/24