If you are a new Business Client please complete this form to submit your details.
Where a signature is required on an electronically submitted form, you may have to provide a signature at our offices.
If you prefer, this form can be downloaded for printing and manual submission

Business Contact Information

Tax File Number – Please call our office to supply tax file number

Electronic Banking Details (for refunds)

Additional Entities Information (if applicable)
Click + button to add more entities
Entity Name
ABN(if applicable)
ACN(if applicable)

Please call our office to supply tax file number

ATO Registrations
Does your business employ staff?
Is your business registered for GST?
Is your business registered for fuel tax credits?
Is your business set up for Single Touch Payroll?
Bookkeeping Method
Bookkeeping methods
Which of the following services can we assist you with?
Previous Tax Return Information
Was last year's return prepared by a registered tax agent?
On behalf of the business
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Client Portal

Our Client Portal is an easy to use, secure way for you to upload and download documents, data files and reports at your own convenience. The Client Portal allows you to access relevant files at any time. You can review and sign your tax return online via an authenticated digital signing function.

Please remember to notify us once you have completed uploading any relevant documents for work to be completed.

Client Contact Information (Individual 1)

Have you changed your name since your last tax return?
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Please call our office to supply tax file number

Have you changed your address since your last tax return?
Relationship Status
Have you changed your relationship status since your last tax return?
Have you any dependants living with you?

* If Spouse/Defacto is not completing client contact information on this form please complete Spouse/Defacto Information below

**Please complete Dependants Details below

Spouse/Defacto Information- if applicable
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Please call our office to supply tax file number

Dependants Details – if applicable (click + to add more)
Is the dependant a child under 24 years old and a full time student at a school, college or university?
Is the dependant a parent or parent in law?

*Please complete Dependant Details Below

Click + button to add more dependants
Dependant's Full Name
Date of Birth
Electronic Banking Details (for refunds)

I declare that the above information is correct and I understand the terms of engagement with Desborough Accountants.

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Signing Options
Please indicate if you would prefer to
If you are signing digitally, how would you like your original documents returned to you?
Return options
Client Portal

By signing this document, you are acknowledging that:

  • The email address you have provided is yours alone and that no one else has access to it.
  • You consent to Desborough Accountants setting up a client portal login with the provided email address and uploading your tax returns and other documents for your private access.
  • You and you alone, will be responsible for using the digital signature function to sign any documents that are uploaded with a signature request
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Client Contact Information (Individual 2)

Have you changed your name since your last tax return?
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Please call our office to supply tax file number

Have you changed your address since your last tax return?
Relationship Status
Have you changed your relationship status since your last tax return?
Have you any dependants living with you?

* If Spouse/Defacto is not completing client contact information on this form please complete Spouse/Defacto Information below

**Please complete Dependants Details below

Spouse/Defacto Information- if applicable
DD slash MM slash YYYY

Please call our office to supply tax file number

Dependants Details – if applicable (click + to add more)
Is the dependant a child under 24 years old and a full time student at a school, college or university?
Is the dependant a parent or parent in law?

*Please complete Dependant Details Below

Click + button to add more dependants
Dependant's Full Name
Date of Birth
Electronic Banking Details (for refunds)

I declare that the above information is correct and I understand the terms of engagement with Desborough Accountants.

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Signing Options
Please indicate if you would prefer to
If you are signing digitally, how would you like your original documents returned to you?
Return options
Client Portal

By signing this document, you are acknowledging that:

  • The email address you have provided is yours alone and that no one else has access to it.
  • You consent to Desborough Accountants setting up a client portal login with the provided email address and uploading your tax returns and other documents for your private access.
  • You and you alone, will be responsible for using the digital signature function to sign any documents that are uploaded with a signature request
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Liability Limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.
Updated 25/07/24
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.